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The Biography Of Leonardo Da Vinci

The Biography Of Leonardo Da Vinci

One figure is known as a famous artist who ever lived in the world. He is also noted as the most genius that ever existed in the world known to have an IQ of 220. Leonardo da Vinci is an architect, musician, writer, sculptor, painter and Renaissance Italy. He was described as the archetype of "Renaissance man" and as a universal genius. Leonardo is famous for his paintings that even he, as the last Supper and Mona Lisa. He is also known for designing many of the creations that anticipate modern technology but rarely made during his lifetime, for example his ideas about tanks and cars dituangkannya through pictures dwiwarna share. In addition, he was also advancing the science of Anatomy, astronomy, civil engineering and even culinary. Leonardo was born in 1452 in the city of Vinci, province of Florence, Italy the son of Ser Piero Da Vinci and Caterina, so his full name i.e. Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci which means Leonardo son of Ser Piero the origin of the town of Vinci.

In the year 1476 defendants with cases of homosexual acts with a male model a dozen years old named Jacopo Saltarelli. So some years that Leonardo is always under the supervision of authorities. At a young age, he was already apprenticed with Andrea del Verrocchio and started painting in Florence. No word tells the Verrochio declared his retirement painting after painting his disciples saw that this one was better than his own. In addition to being a painter, Leonardo is also able to show his ability in other fields.

In 1481 to Leonardo moved to Milan to work with the Duke (Duke) there. The results of his work over at Milan's most popular is Horse Sforza soon for approximately 11 years. But at that time he not only painted and made sculptures but also alters the river roads and constructing canals, as well as entertaining the Duke by playing a lut and singing. Then he worked for King Louis XII of France in Milan and to Pope Leo X in Rome

Meanwhile, he helped Raphael and Michaelangeo in the design of St. Peter's Cathedral in his lifetime Leonardo was very interested in science. He began to study the birds flying and started designing a flying machine. His thoughts were contained in the book his citation as much as 7,000 pages. In the book, there is a sketch about the study of the human body.

In those days, human anatomy was nothing more than a mere guess work because anyone dissects the cadaver is strictly prohibited. In those days, human anatomy was nothing more than a mere guess work because anyone dissects the cadaver is strictly prohibited. With the courage to seek the opportunity to dissect dead bodies-surgical, later on an action that is not prevalent in his day it delivers a very big contribution to the world of medicine.

His publication, the last Supper (The Last Supper) in 1495 to 1497 painted on the wall of the convent of Santa Maria in Milan, has now been damaged by edible time. Other famous painting is the Mona Lisa now is in the Museum of the Louvre, Paris. A speculation circulating about whom the real Mona Lisa, among others, stated that the image of the woman is the result of custom Da Vinci's own face.
Another speculation claimed that the woman was indeed never existed, a merchant's wife. Leonardo da Vinci died at Clos Lucé, France, on May 2, 1519, and was buried in the chapel of St. Hubert at the castles of Amboise, France.

Leonardo Da Vinci member of Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar ..??

After his death, very powerful already that he has held the role as the strongest man in a secret organization called the Priory of Sion are berlaskarkan Knights Templar. What is this secret organization? Many facts direct on an allegation that the Priory of Sion is an organization that maintains tight-tight secret history of Christianity according to different versions of the Gospels that is circulating in the community. However, this still needs a profound study and research.

There are many secrets left by Leonardo Da Vinci in his paintings now much be debate and become research scholars such as painting of Monalisa and The Last Supper. Many say that Leonardo Da Vici privy to important and leave instructions through his paintings. As written in the novel the Da Vinci Code Dan Brown's works, in the novel, he has a lot of explaining about the existence of the Priory Of Sion, the Knights Templar and also the figure of Mary Magdalene as the wife of Jesus and also alluded to Leonardo Da Vinci, although the novel by Dan Brown that is fabricated and perbicangan warm yet Dan Brown novel end of jot down a note that all descriptions, architecture, documents and secret rituals in this novel are accurate.

Cleverness of Leonardo da Vinci seen from the large number of the areas which he mastered. He is a painter, sculptor, inventor, researcher,  the anatomist, mathematics, plants and animals, optics, aerodynamic, even reliable musician. He studied with no limit. Of course this is not heavy because he didn't work hard, he just "having fun". To paint a human, he specifically mem ¬ learn the anatomy of the human body.
Leonardo is probably the craziest ¬ pem study. When studying the anatomy, he likes to go night-night, dismantling the graves, and took the dead body of an unknownperson, that are rotten and mem-bedahnya. Sometimes he does it in a hospital thatgave her permission. He really wanted to know why the human body shaped like that. In doing so, he could be the more detail in making his paintings.

How did Leonardo Da Vinci produced a Masterpiece or a Masterpiece. ..?
Leonardo does not want to create a masterpiece, but he wanted to create a masterpiece, or a Masterpiece. A work of art with a colorful composition that was so beautiful with an almost perfect detail as the original, so that all who see it will be fascinated and touched his heart. But that's not the main ones ...

His work is his offering to the Lord extended. Leonardo wanted to make work that is so beautiful, so even Tuhanpun will be happy to see it. Throughout his life no less 30 corpses he surgery and learned. It is indeed repugnant, but the shocker isn't reallya problem that any large and important is banned ¬ ¬ ding kan Majesty of his workand also the progress of the science of human anatomy.

Since childhood, he likes to read in his father's library in Florence. As adults, Leonardo was able to have its own library with many books including collections of Danteand Petrarch. The subject is also diverse ranging from mathematics, Anatomy, medicine, and books about the war. From there his knowledge is so vast and the more sharply. Leonardo was also a visionary. He for example had to imagine a glyph such ashelicopters, vehicles with protective iron (such as a tank), or ships that can move under the sea. He even designed the mechanical man known as the Robot of Leonardo, the draft "robot" which is often considered the first robot in history.

However, his greatest work of course is Monalisa. Painting beautiful women this is the culmination of all their knowledge about staining, light, perspective, and — not to forget — the anatomy of the human body. In the painting, he uses painting techniques is very high and difficult to emulate, sfumato, a painting technique that makesit look like the foggy, not the focus, with the transition between the incredible colors soft and smooth. Monalisa look so alive, even senyumannya the pun invites curious of all the people who saw it until now.

Why is Monalisa smile? Why does he look so happy? Nobody can answer that question with certainty. Other valuable paintings is "the last supper", The Last Supper, which dramatically painted ¬ kan last supper of Jesus with his disciples ' 13 before he was betrayed and crucified.

(In fiction And the very famous Brown, "The Da Vinci Code" (2003), a painting of The Last Supper, said to contain the greatest mystery in the history of the Christians who are closely guarded, even with the patron lives for thousands of years). Leonardo'smany works of art and various other amazing design prior to his death on 2 may 1519. Up to now, even Einstein and Isaac Newton ever considered not able to match the cleverness of Leonardo da Vinci.


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